What Is Perfectionism?
Perfectionism is a set of self-defeating thought patterns that push you to achieve unrealistic goals, which you falsely believe to be attainable.
Why Is Perfectionism a Problem?
When perfectionism gets out of control or becomes obsessive, it can harm you both professionally and personally. Let's look at some of the most common problem areas you might experience if you are a maladaptive perfectionist:
General Health: According to research from the Journal of Counseling and Development, perfectionism is linked to health issues such as eating disorders, depression, migraines, anxiety, burnout , and personality disorders. The quest for perfection can also result in decreased energy, increased stress, and relationship problems. Another meta-analytic study concluded that perfectionism increases the risk of suicide ideation and attempts.
Perfectionism can seriously impact your self-esteem. This is because self-worth is often tied to achievement. You believe that other people judge you on your achievements. But, because you're rarely satisfied with what you do achieve due to your unrealistic high standards, you tend to believe that others think little of you and your ability.
This can lead to a downward spiral of self-criticism, blame and self-sabotage . It can also trigger Impostor Syndrome , as you often find "evidence" that you're not up to the job. You also risk harming other people's self-esteem by trying to control colleagues' behavior and being over-critical of their performance.
Perfectionism can damage your productivity, as it often makes you more liable to procrastinate . If you're a perfectionist, you may find that you avoid starting a new project until you've found the absolute best way to approach it. You might also get caught up in minor details or make others repeat tasks that have already been completed because they aren't exactly right. This wastes time that could have been spent on other, more important tasks. In almost every situation, "progress is more important than perfection."
Creativity: Perfectionism can prevent you from leaving your comfort zone and taking risks. If you're afraid to make mistakes, it's difficult to generate new ideas and seize opportunities, and your creativity can suffer as a result.
Dealing With Perfectionism
The following seven strategies can help you to mitigate the negative effects of perfectionism:
- Challenge Your Behavior - If you think that you have a problem with perfectionism, start by challenging your behavior and beliefs. List some of the things that you do that must be "perfect." Perhaps you feel that you need to check your work multiple times before turning it in, or you like to create overly detailed plans before you start a new project. Next to each behavior that you've listed, write down why you believe that this activity must be perfect. Perhaps you resist delegating tasks to a co-worker because you don't trust their ability. Or you stay late at the office to check their work when you could be relaxing at home or spending time on other projects. Finally, think about how you might overcome these behaviors or beliefs. For example, could you delegate one task a day, then review it just once to make sure that it's been done correctly?
- Set Realistic Goals - Perfectionists often set their objectives so high that there's little hope of ever achieving them. Instead, learn how to set realistic goals . Think about your most important life and career goals. Then, break them down into smaller monthly or yearly steps. Not only will this make it easier to reach your objectives, but you'll also experience the thrill of achieving these smaller goals.
- Listen to Your Emotions - If you're feeling anxious or unhappy about a task, your instincts may be telling you that you're trying to achieve the impossible. Listen to them and adjust your targets accordingly! Perfectionists are often prone to negative self-talk; your thoughts may become self-fulfilling prophecies. Remember, positive thinking is often associated with positive action and outcomes. Try using affirmations or thought awareness to question your negative thoughts and inject some positivity!
- Don't Fear Mistakes - Mistakes are part of life. They show that you're not afraid to push yourself and try new things. In fact, they can provide rich learning experiences that teach you far more than a flawless performance. So, next time you make one, accept it, learn from it, and move on!
- Readjust Your Personal Rules - Perfectionists often live by a rigid set of rules. Your rules might be to check every email at least three times before you send it, or to never leave a crumb on the kitchen counter. While it's great to have high personal standards, they must be flexible and helpful, rather than unrelenting and unrealistic. Identify one rule that you live by that's too rigid, and reword it to be more forgiving. For example, maybe you could reread only the most important emails before you send them.
- Focus on the Bigger Picture - Perfectionism can cause "tunnel vision" – when you focus on one small part of something and ignore the rest. You might, for instance, obsess about getting a minor part of a presentation right, like the fonts or special effects, instead of concentrating on the substance and meaning that you are trying to convey. Remember to keep your focus on the bigger picture. Your failings will seem much less significant and you'll reduce the urge to be perfect.
- Relax – Go With the Flow
The pursuit of perfection can make it extremely difficult to relax and be spontaneous. Perfectionists prefer to maintain focus and to stick rigidly to their carefully laid plans. But relaxation and spontaneity aren't just necessary for a healthy life; they can also improve your productivity and well-being. And you'll be better at keeping perfectionism under control if you're feeling rested, clear-headed and happy. Take regular breaks at work. Get outside, be open to new experiences and new people, make use of relaxation techniques, and recognize when you need to switch off.