The SAP provides on-campus, short-term counseling support and referral for individuals who may be struggling. Common concerns for SAP, include, and are not limited to, relationship or family issues, burnout, stress, difficulty with peers, health concerns, body image, balancing responsibilities, depression, anxiety, anger management, alcohol or substance use.
Our SAP services are set apart by being able to provide appointments quickly, on campus or via telehealth.
Services include:
Currently, we are based in Commons Room M127 and M128 on the Spencer Hill Campus of Corning Community College. For more information about our SAP at Corning Community College, please contact our Student Assistance Program Coordinator, Mary Kay Diakite at (607) 936-1771 or at (607) 962-9353 or by email at
For more information on partnering with Clinical Associates to set up a Student Assistance Program please contact call (607) 936-1771 or
Or complete the intake form below and we will contact you.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will respond to your request within 48 business hours.
209 Liberty Street Bath, NY 148101