Reframe Your Mindset

March 12, 2021

Take any situation and choose to see it in a different context.

The essential idea behind reframing is that the frame through which a person views a situation determines their point-of-view. When that frame is shifted, the meaning changes and thinking and behavior often change along with it. It takes us from a position of a victim of our circumstance, to a proactive fighter for our own peace and happiness.
  • Ask yourself, "Is there another way to look at this situation?" or, "What are some other possible reasons this could have happened?” It's easy to get into the mindset that your outlook is the only way to look at a problem. Asking yourself the above questions, can point out alternatives to help you see things from another view.
  • Write down your thoughts. In order to reframe your thoughts, you have to know what you’re thinking to begin with. Awareness is an important first step. When you catch yourself feeling a strong emotion stop yourself and ask, ‘What am I thinking right now?’ Then write it down. This will help you see a pattern to your thought process.
  • Start fact-checking yourself. Often our strong emotions push us to believe thoughts that aren’t true, so try to get in the habit of asking yourself, “What’s the proof that I have for this thought?” This will hone your ability to better identify and quickly shut down the lies you tell yourself.
  • Embrace mistakes. We all like to get things right the first go around since it saves on both resources and time. But some of life’s greatest lessons come from making major mistakes, and those in the know say reframing errors as opportunities can be one of the most impactful practices for inviting growth, change, and progress.
  • Know what you can control. For your long-term mental wellness it is important to become familiar with what you can control. Many of us live with the illusion that we can control much more in life than is actual. You can control you, your choices, your mindset, and your actions – that’s about it. Consider the circumstances from the day or the week. What can you change that is within your control? What small actions can you take right away to shift how you affect your environment?
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