Do you find yourself working hard and not knowing where your money is going? Are you unable to save for a goal? Try using these steps to get a handle on what is flowing in and out each month to see where you could make adjustments.
- Track all of your spending for 90 days using whatever method works for you (spreadsheet, notebook, phone App, or one of the many free tracking sheets online).
- Records all sources of income.
- After tracking your daily spending, break your expenses down in to these categories: necessary expenses (essential and includes utilities, rent/ mortgage) and discretionary expenses (subscriptions, TV, and other items that are desirable but not essential).
- Next, separate out your monthly debt payments, which include credit card bills, auto payments, and personal loans. Determine a monthly amount that will result in paying off your debts as soon as possible, with a goal of two to three years.
- Establish your financial goals, including short-term goals (within 1 year), mid-range goals (2-5 years), and long-term goals (over 5 years). Write down your target date, total needed, current savings, additional savings needed, and how much you will need to put away each month.
- Come up with a monthly budget that includes necessary expenses, discretionary expenses and debt payments using all of the categories within your 90 day tracking. Look at your expenses and design a proposed budget.
- Revisit your budget to see how well you are following your proposed budget and assess progress you are making toward your goals. Track your spending for another 30-60 adds while using your new budget. Determine where you are overspending and make adjustments. Food, entertainment, and shopping are the most common areas to trip us up.
- Will you reach your short, mid, and long-range goals if you stick with your proposed budget? If not, where can you make adjustments? Also, aim to save three to six months’ income for emergency purposes.